Older Driver Safety Awareness Week Resources 2023

ODSAW Banner photo women driving a car down the road

ChORUS joins the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and other partners in recognizing Older Driver Safety Awareness Week (ODSAW) from December 4 - 8, 2023. 

In 2021 there were 7,489 people 65 and older killed in traffic crashes in the United States, accounting for 17 percent of all traffic fatalities. From 2020 to 2021, there was a 14-percent increase in the number of people 65 and older killed in traffic crashes1. Although older drivers are less likely to drive aggressively or to speed, they are considered vulnerable road users. It is important for those who engage with older drivers to know age-related changes that may undermine an individual’s driving ability. In support of Older Driver Safety Awareness Week, below are resources to help caregivers, family members, state driver licensing agencies, law enforcement, medical professionals, and social and aging service providers address safety among older drivers. 

Select any of the sections below to access resources, materials, and other information to support your efforts. 

Add ChORUS to Your Site

Help users easily connect to ChORUS and the wealth of resources on this website. Copy and paste the logo and website description to your website’s home page, resource page or other locations as is appropriate.

ChORUS Logo; It reads Clearinghouse for Older Road User Safety.

ChORUS serves as a centralized, user-friendly, and dynamic source of information pertaining to highway safety for aging drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and cyclists. Built as a comprehensive resource, it covers all three major components of highway safety: safe roadways, safe road users, and safe vehicles. 

Commit to Older Driver Safety

You hold the keys for improving traffic safety! In support of Older Driver Safety Awareness Week, the ChORUS form, Commit to Older Driver Safety, encourages those who support older drivers to spread the messages about the importance of older driver safety. How it works: fill out the form, and receive your personal older driver safety digital decal to add to your email signature, social media, and anywhere else you want to promote older driver safety. 


How to Use ODSAW Resources

Review this quick guide for ideas on activities and events using the ChORUS ODSAW resources that will help strengthen professional and community partnerships.


ChORUS ODSAW 2023 Radio Spot Language 

During Older Driver Safety Awareness Week and throughout the year, you may have the opportunity to work with your local radio stations to help educate members of your community on the importance of traffic safety and transportation planning for older adults. The following offers messages you can customize and share with your local stations to use as a public service announcement or radio spot.

ChORUS ODSAW 2023 Talking Points 

During Older Driver Safety Awareness Week and throughout the year, you may have the opportunity to meet with older drivers, their family members/caregivers, and others in your community to engage in addressing traffic safety for older adults. Use these talking points to promote older road user safety in your community. 


ChORUS ODSAW Twitter Chat Discussion Prompts

In recognition of Older Driver Safety Awareness Week (ODSAW), the Clearinghouse for Older Road User Safety (ChORUS) is hosting a Twitter chat on December 5 @ 2:00 pm EST. During ODSAW, we want to empower older adults to improve their safety on America’s roadways. Please join us (@roadsafeseniors) to share resources and strategies to support this goal. We will be using the following questions to guide our discussion.

  1. What outreach and educational approaches have been successful in your state or organization to improve traffic safety among older adults?
  2. When improving older road user safety (whether driving, bicycling, or walking), who are your partners and stakeholders for education/outreach activities?
  3. When creating an age-friendly community, it helps to have transportation options available. What services and options are available in your community for older adults?
  4. Feeling empowered to plan for safe mobility, even beyond the driver’s seat, is important for older drivers. What tips can you offer when talking to an older driver about road safety?
  5. What services, programs, organizations, or supports do you refer to an older adult or their family member/caregiver interested in improving their road safety?

Download these prompts.


Include the ChORUS handouts in the materials you provide for older drivers. 

General Information – provides an introduction to the resources and information that ChORUS offers to improve traffic safety for older drivers. 

Patient Questionnaire – helps medical professionals gauge when they may need to have a conversation with patients about their driving.

Transportation Planning Tool – helps older drivers and their family members prepare for mobility as they age.





The Older Driver Safety Infographic presents key data to highlight the importance of older driver safety. 

older driver safety 1

Click here to download
the Older Driver Infographic

Rural vs. Urban infographic screenshot

Click here to download the 
Rural vs. Urban Infographic

Older Driver Safety: 3 out of 4 fatal crashes involving older drivers occurred in the day time.

Click here to download the 
3 out of 4 fatal crashes that
occurred in the daytime. Infographic

Older Driver crashes are often associated with physical, visual, and/ or cognitive effects of aging.

 Click here to download the 
licensed drivers in US Infographic
Lobby Slides

Integrate one or more of the lobby slides into the information messaging systems that you use for those in your waiting areas.

Click here to download all of the lobby slides



For areas with bulletin boards or where handouts can be displayed, consider using the ChORUS poster. The poster provides the URL and QR codes to connect individuals to valuable tools and resources about older driver safety.  


Press Release

Use these sample press release in newsletters, publications, or community outreach to encourage participation in recognizing and promoting older driver safety. 



ChORUS offers a wealth of resources that promote older driver safety.  We have curated lists to provide the perfect starting point for exploring resources, materials, and tools specific to you. 

Social Media Sample Messages

Include these ready-to-post social media sample messages to highlight ChORUS resources in ongoing digital media campaigns. 


1 National Center for Statistics and Analysis. (2023, August). Older population: 2021 data (Traffic Safety Facts. Report No. DOT HS 813 491). National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.