ChORUS Blog & News

A cartoon drawing of a cop car pulling over a car. The caption reads "Don't let the end of summer be a bummer. Drive sober or get pulled over)

The 2022 impaired driving national program "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" goes into effect across the country from August 17 to September 5, 2022.  Here are safety tips for Older Drivers to keep in mind:

Tape deck with Jane's Mix written on it.

My Way – Throwback to an oldie but goodie in honor of

Tape deck with Jane's Mix written on it.

Bon Jovi says it in It’s my Life – “I just want to live while I’m alive.”  As we celebrate Senior Independence Month, that kind of sums it up for me.  We all wa

Tape deck with Jane's Mix written on it.

Meeting the Winter Driving Challenge

CarFit Logo

National Hispanic Heritage Month offers us an opportunity to not only recognize contributions by Hispanic and Latino champions to older road user safety, but also to focus on how we ca

Tape deck with Jane's Mix written on it.

You know how we all envision ourselves at a certain age – at least until we catch a glimpse of our current selves in the mirror?  Well, I am not sure what age I picture for myself but “old” is definitely not one of them.  Howev

Cassette tape with "Jane's Mix" written on the title line

This blog features guest Jane, 65, from Connecticut, and her experience as an older road user (as well as her pick in playlist). Read about her story below. 

Young woman sitting on a bench with an older woman, looking at a digital reading device.

Those long, lazy days of summer are the perfect time for relaxing and reading. ChORUS has put together our recommended Summer Reading List. 

Caregiver Action Network logo

Summer is a time when many families and friends gather, so it’s a good time to think about how to keep your loved ones safe.

Older man sitting on the bus with rain on his coat

We've all heard the saying, "April showers bring May flowers." But the change in seasons can also bring unpredictable weather and extra challenges when driving a car.