ChORUS Blog & News

A father and son looking at the laptop with blue and yellow splotches in the corners.

The Clearinghouse for Older Road User Safety (ChORUS) is celebrating Older Americans Month this May.

A father and son looking at the laptop with blue and yellow splotches in the corners.

The Clearinghouse for Older Road User Safety (ChORUS) is celebrating Older Americans Month this May.

A son and his older father on the computer.

Do you wonder how older drivers can improve safety on the road?

ChORUS logo and CAN logo.

Caregiving can seem like a career choice, but it can happen to anyone. It may start by helping your mom do her laundry or driving your dad to a medical appointment.

A grandmother driving her car with her grandson in the front seat.

Dear Grandparents,

Black woman driving a car, smiling at the camera.

Black History Month is a chance to reflect on black history in America and celebrate the contributions of black inventors.

Images of snow.
Winter Safety Tips 02/02/2022

During the winter, your driving safety plan should change from your driving safety plan that you have during the warmer months. Rain, ice, snow, and unexpected cold fronts can keep you on your toes and challenge road safety.

Tape deck with Jane's Mix written on it.

You know how we all envision ourselves at a certain age – at least until we catch a glimpse of our current selves in the mirror?  Well, I am not sure what age I picture for myself but “old” is definitely not one of them.  Howev

Cassette tape with "Jane's Mix" written on the title line

This blog features guest Jane, 65, from Connecticut, and her experience as an older road user (as well as her pick in playlist). Read about her story below. 

Young woman sitting on a bench with an older woman, looking at a digital reading device.

Those long, lazy days of summer are the perfect time for relaxing and reading. ChORUS has put together our recommended Summer Reading List.