Jane's Mix Tape 9- My Way

Tape deck with Jane's Mix written on it.

My Way – Throwback to an oldie but goodie in honor of Older Americans Month and Aging My Way.  I don’t know about you, but I still think and see myself as a much younger and more agile person than I really am.  I hate the idea that I might be slowing down or losing flexibility but the little aches and pains after a weekend of gardening and my pace on my walks has changed.  Taking preventative steps to maintain flexibility and balance is a goal for me – finding the right exercises and sticking to them to stay as fit as possible.  I’ve been lucky in that I’ve always been fairly fit and healthy and that is particularly important now. 

Aging My Way includes planning for how I will stay active and mobile in my community. I know I’ve mentioned this before but have you checked out the ChORUS Transportation Planning Tool?  It provides a framework for you no matter where you are on your journey.  If you are still able to drive safely, you can find tips for planning for the future, finding alternate transportation option in your community, or helping to create transportation options where they don’t exist.  If you are further along, you can start trying those alternate transportation methods, and planning ahead should the time come when you can no longer drive.

With each birthday, my father used to say “it sure beats the alternative.”  He might not have been thrilled about the impact of the aging process but he knew he was still here and kicking.  I plan to be the same way – Aging my Way means staying involved, learning new things, participating in my community as a volunteer, attending concerts, traveling and exploring the world around me – both near and far.  I may also have a little sass and attitude in my aging process – because let’s face it why should I change now!   All I know is when I get to the end of my road, I will be singing with Old Blues – “I did it my way”….