Conversation Starters

Story of my Life

Story of my Life (One Direction) – We all have a story to tell – about personal or professional experiences or even some that cross between the two. Sometimes we don’t realize how impactful our stories can be. Therefore, we hold them inside, thinking they aren’t that important or that strong. We overlook the fact that other people can be affected by a range of stories, some big and important, and some small, but all relevant and all coming together to shape opinions and shift behaviors. 

Let’s Talk About It: Having an Effective Conversation on Driver Safety

Improving road safety for older adults begins with a conversation--the key is to have the conversation early before a crisis emerges that may affect one’s ability to drive safely.

It is true that older adults are among the safest drivers on the road; however, if they get into a crash, older adults are more likely to get hurt and take a longer time to recover. This can affect their daily life activities.