Assistive Technology

Older Driver

If you are an older driver or a caregiver, NHTSA encourages you to talk about driving safety. They offer materials to help you understand the effects of aging and driving. 

Older Americans Month

Older Americans Month presents an opportunity to plan how to stay safe on the roads as you age. By identifying some of the challenges that come with aging you can plan to safely navigate these changes. Aging can bring impairment to vision, including (but not limited to) cataracts and loss of peripheral vision, which can negatively affect driving. Use May as a reminder to visit the ophthalmologist and have your eyes checked. While you’re at the doctor, ask them what you can do to help with driving safety.


Your local ADA dealer is a strong advocate for people with disabilities who want to get back on the road. They believe you are entitled to the independence and higher quality of life that an accessible vehicle can provide. 

Older Adults, New Mobility, and Automated Vehicles: A Framework for Harnessing Emerging Technology for Individual and Societal Benefit

With older adults having fewer transportation options than their younger counterparts automated vehicles are often viewed as one technology that can extend an older adults ability to remain independently mobile.