ChORUS Blog & News

Image of the Roadway Safety Foundation logo

This Older Americans Month, the Roadway Safety Foundation (RSF) is taking the opportunity to shine a light on an often overlooked but crucial component of pr

Image of a doctor speaking with an older couple

Along with Older Americans Month, May is also Healthy Vision Month—a time for older adults to prioritize their eye health and driving safety.

A white cassette tape with "Story of my Life" written in black text. The tape is sitting on an orange table.

Story of my Life (One Direction) – We all have a story to tell – about personal or professional experiences or even some that cross between the two.

An older man and woman in a kitchen cooking

Heart health, driving safety, aging, and independence may seem like they’re part of a random word association game, but these concepts are all key to ensuring older adults maintain a healthy aging process.

A person with an orange shovel throws snow.

When the snow begins to fly, icy and snowy roads are not the only concern. Just getting to the car, the mailbox, or the corner store can be challenging on walkways that may have frozen overnight.

collage of older couples

If the older adult in your life has been diagnosed with dementia, they may not have to stop driving right away.

Older couple riding bikes

August is National Wellness Month. As individuals age, maintaining wellness becomes increasingly important, which can also affect the ability to drive.

Couple sitting at a kitchen table

“Your dad has been feeling dizzy, we’re going to the hospital to get checked out.” Ellen remembers how the simple call from her mom last year snowballed into her 71-year-old father going from the “quick” emergency room visit at the commu

National Safety Month logo and ChORUS logo.

June is National Safety Month, an initiative created by the National Safety Council to highlight the leading causes of preventable injury and death so people can live their fullest lives.