ChORUS Blog & News

National Safety Month logo and ChORUS logo.

June is National Safety Month, an initiative created by the National Safety Council to highlight the leading causes of preventable injury and death so people can live their fullest lives.

Headshots of Margaret Wu, Ching Wan Tang, Ajay Bhatt, Dawon Kahng.

From day to day, we probably don’t think too much about the items we use or what makes them function.

An older African-American man and woman are in the car. The man is driving, and both people are smiling.

“Traffic fatalities are a substantial and preventable public health challenge in America.

Older woman sitting on a bench.

The New Year is a time for fresh starts and a new beginning, which is why many start the year by making resolutions or buying a brand-new calendar.  This year, consider adding planning for safe mobility t

Red and silver ornaments, close up on the tree. Snowflakes are in the corner.

Finding the perfect gift for older loved ones can be difficult. Instead of store-bought gifts and sweet treats galore, give your loved ones a gift that will impact their lives for the better. Give the gift of traffic safety.

ChORUS logo and CAN logo.

Caregiving can seem like a career choice, but it can happen to anyone. It may start by helping your mom do her laundry or driving your dad to a medical appointment.

A grandmother driving her car with her grandson in the front seat.

Dear Grandparents,

A cartoon drawing of a cop car pulling over a car. The caption reads "Don't let the end of summer be a bummer. Drive sober or get pulled over)

The 2022 impaired driving national program "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" goes into effect across the country from August 17 to September 5, 2022.  Here are safety tips for Older Drivers to keep in mind:

Tape deck with Jane's Mix written on it.

My Way – Throwback to an oldie but goodie in honor of